Canada At the Threshold of Kyoto Protocol RatificationThe Kyoto Accord: What is it about? What are the challenges for Canadians? Will ratification commit us?IntroductionIn November of 2002, the debate on Kyoto in Canada and Alberta was intense. The implementation plan was deemed to be a work in progress - even by federal proponents. Our federal government was in favor of ratification. Alberta had dropped out of the National Climate Change Process in frustration. The public, and indeed even those responsible for establishing the plans to reduce greenhouse gases, did not seem well informed of the costs and benefits to Canada of complying with the Kyoto greenhouse gas reductions. It was in the context of this political climate, that Duane Pendergast's presentation to the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs was prepared. He presented an overview of the issue and the state of preparedness to initiate greenhouse gas reductions in Canada. He concluded then that ratification should be delayed for one or two years to allow for additional understanding of the consequences to Canadians of a commitment to the Kyoto goals. His complete presentation is provided here in the form of a PowerPoint slide show with explanatory notes. At this time Canadians are still waiting to see if Russia will ratify Kyoto to cement Canada's earlier commitment to it. The commitment is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 6% below 1990 levels averaged over the 5 years from 2008 to 2012. Since our emissions have been steadily increasing since 1990, and the commitment is now only 4 years away, our breath should be bated. (DRP 04/03/06)