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Table of Contents
| Computare - Greenhouse gas analysis, management and climate change related strategic services | | Contacting Computare, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for services on climate change and greenhouse gas management | | Commentary on climate change and greenhouse gas control in Kyoto, Canada, Alberta | | Kyoto, climate change and greenhouse gas control in Canada and Alberta | On wind turbines, water vapor, Kyoto, Denmark, climate change, and greenhouse gasmanagement | | Wind, nuclear, fossil fuel, generated energy and electricity - Fire and lumber in greenhouse gas management | Duane Pendergast on climate change, IPCC, Kyoto, renewable, greenhouse gas management and energy | | Some thoughts, reasoning and questions on forest fires, forest sinks, agriculture and biological sinks | | Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative in Canada and Relevance to Kyoto | | Should we feed corn to cars as a Kyoto measure when people are starving? Is it effective GHG control? | | Climate change and carbon dioxide facts in the Ottawa Citizen | | Oil sand (oilsand) and nuclear energy reduces greenhouse gas from syncrude production | | Canada's hydrogen fuel cell energy technology development initiative and Kyoto | | Meeting Canada's one tonne greenhouse gas challenge with Hybrid Honda Civic | | Humans and nature connected by earth's carbon cycle | | Agriculture and forest carbon sinks example based on carbon in lumber export | | Carbon dioxide measurement from car exhaust is not needed to estimate greenhouse gas emissions | | Are power utilities able to meet renewable energy guarantees with green electricity - wind power? | | Hydrogen fuel cell for planes, trains, and automobiles | | Suncor oil sands, greenhouse gas emission and nuclear energy | | Virtual library could help city council meet Kyoto support pledge | | Burning food to help comply with the Kyoto Protocol | | Digging for diamonds wastes energy and generates greenhouse gas | | Energy from biomass does not sequester carbon emissions in permanent sinks | | Water battery and renewable energy: A potential media exaggeration and extravaganza | | Canada's auto manufacturing industry not a source of GHG emissions in Large Industrial Emitter group | | Environment Canada error in greenhouse gas reduction in steel industry with 2001 inventory? | | Non reliable and variable wind lessens it's value as a greenhouse gas free electricity and power source | | Energy efficiency induced greenhouse gas reduction as a climate change solution | | Canada might hope Russia does not ratify Kyoto | | Sierra Club report card on Canada and Alberta Kyoto performance | | Renewable energy will do little to avoid power blackout in Ontario | | Buy Honda Civic hybrid vehicle to meet the one tonne challenge in Canada re Kyoto? | | Letter from Minister Dhaliwal - probe of Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative (REDI) | | Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative, Natural Resorces Canada and green energy subsidies | | Wind energy in Alberta an unreliable source of energy and needs storage at high cost | | Water injection for oil recovery |
| | Climate change, greenhouse, nuclear waste, charcoal, Kyoto | | Greenhouse gases, (GHG) global warming,energy and climate change | | Rona Ambrose, greenhouse gases, (GHG) global warming,energy, and climate change | | Kyoto, greenhouse gases, (GHG) global warming,energy, and climate change | | Nuclear energy, oilsands, oil sands, carbon emissions, National Climate Change Process | | Letters 2009.htm | | Computare Commentary on energy and climate change 2010 | | Computare commentary on energy and climate change | | Letters on energy and climate change | | Letters re global warming less than predicted | | Environmental organizations use dubious methods to slow development | | Climate change and energy | | Alberta Climate Leadership | | Energy and climate change in Alberta |
| | Computare participates in Canada - Kyoto - Alberta public consultation on greenhouse and climate change | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Nuclear energy and Alberta's oil (tar) sands | | National Stakeholder Submission on Canada Kyoto plan for greenhouse management | | Submission to Alberta climate change and greenhouse gas reduction action plan | | Submission to Alberta's Climate Change Advisory Panel | | Submission of comments on Canada's greenhouse gas offset consultation discussion document | | Alberta Stakeholder Submission on management of greenhouse gas alternative to Kyoto | | CANDU nuclear energy to provide electricty, SAGD steam, hydrogen for heavy oil upgrading, and irrigation in Alberta | | Kyoto ratification by Canada and Russia means Canada commited to reduce greenhouse gas to 6% below 1990 | | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with nuclear electricity as part of Canada's action to comply with the Kyoto Protocol | | Using energy from nuclear, wind, and coal to modify the carbon cycle, including charcoal black carbon sinks. | | Using energy to manage the carbon cycle and greenhouse gas | | Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), used nuclear fuel, climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG)management | | Blue Ridge 08_04_05.htm | | Whitecourt 08_04_04.htm | | Whitecourt Star Ad 08_01_30.htm | | Whitecourt Reading List 08_04_04.htm | | Nuclear energy for Alberta | | Contributions to Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) climate change conference | | The role of forest wood products in Canada's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory | | Alberta oil sands consultation and nuclear energy | | Water in the West: Under Pressure | | Nuclear Energy for Alberta |
| | Publications on Canadian technology to reduce greenhouse gas and manage climate change including nuclear energy | | Personal household, car and electricity One Tonne Challenge greenhouse gas emission calculations | | Guest articles and papers on climate change, greenhouse gas management and nuclear technology | | What's new on climate change and greenhouse gases at Computare | | Contents | | Computare mission focuses on energy and life | | Copyright Information | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2017 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2013 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - December 2012 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2015 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2011 | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/master03.htm | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2013 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Sample Overhead | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - August 2015 | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/master03.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2011 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - August 2013 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - September 2016 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Support documents/Letters/Letters 2014/2013 Hiroshima.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - August 2012 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - September 2015 | | Sample Overhead | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/fullscreen.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - August 2011 | | Support documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/master03.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - September 2014 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - September 2013 | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/master02.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Developing Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/master02.htm | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - September 2012 | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Developing Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - September 2011 | | Support documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/master01.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Developing Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Sample Overhead | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/master01.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/fullscreen.htm | | Sample Overhead | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/master02.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - January 2017 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/fullscreen.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - January 2016 | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/fullscreen.htm | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - January 2015 | | Support documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/fullscreen.htm | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/master02.htm | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Charcoal(black pyrogenic carbon) as a carbon sink in agriculture and forestry | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - January 2014 | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/master01.htm | | Support documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/fullscreen.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - February 2017 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - January 2013 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - February 2016 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - January 2012 | | Sample Overhead | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - February 2015 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/fullscreen.htm | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/master02.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - February 2014 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - March 2017 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/master01.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - February 2013 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Developing Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - March 2016 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/master01.htm | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Support documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/master03.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - February 2012 | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - March 2015 | | Developing Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - March 2014 | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/master03.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - April 2017 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - October 2016 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - March 2013 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - April 2016 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - October 2015 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - March 2012 | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - April 2015 | | Support documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/master01.htm | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - October 2014 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/master04.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - April 2014 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - May 2017 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - October 2013 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - November 2016 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - April 2013 | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/master03.htm | | Support documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/master01.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - May 2016 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - October 2012 | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/fullscreen.htm | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - November 2015 | | google694c6a74acb67b64.html | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/master01.htm | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - April 2012 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - May 2015 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - October 2011 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - Last 12 Months | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - November 2014 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/fullscreen.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - May 2014 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2017 | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - November 2013 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - December 2016 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - May 2013 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2016 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - November 2012 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? | | Oil to nuclear energy transition | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - December 2015 | | Sample Overhead | | Support documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/master03.htm | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - May 2012 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/master01.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2015 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - November 2011 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Support documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/master03.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - December 2014 | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2014 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Developing Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - December 2013 | | Support documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/master02.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2016 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - June 2012 | | Support documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/master02.htm | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - December 2011 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2014 | | Energy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - August 2016 | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - July 2012 | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Sample Overhead | | Usage Statistics for computare.org - August 2014 | | The Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us? |