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Table of Contents

Computare - Energy for life

bulletComputare - Greenhouse gas analysis, management and climate change related strategic services
bulletContacting Computare, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for services on climate change and greenhouse gas management
bulletResume, Biography, Curriculum Vitae of Computare Principal Scientist Duane Pendergast
bulletThank you letter from Engineering Institute of Canada president
bulletCommentary on climate change and greenhouse gas control in Kyoto, Canada, Alberta
bulletSupport documents/Commentary/Danielle Smith 10_09_13.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Commentary/Canada's Energy Flow - 2003 - EJ.pdf
bulletRuddiman - Did human development of agriculture stop an ice age?
bulletDeveloping and developed country responsibility for climate change
bulletSustainable development in Canada's 2004 Speech from the Throne
bulletCharcoal(black pyrogenic carbon) as a carbon sink in agriculture and forestry
bulletGeorgia Conference on archeology, agriculture, engineering and charcoal carbon sinks
bulletCanadian energy sources for the future: Post fossil fuel society
bulletWater use to produce Canola oil for biodiesel fuel
bulletCanada's climate change plans, Project Green, Kyoto
bulletNuclear and bioenergy to build earth's terra preta soil inventory
bulletThree Mile Island mutant monster living plants reported in the Village Voice
bulletWildrose Alliance.htm
bulletKlein 2015.htm
bulletAsimov 02_15.htm
bulletEpstein 15_02.htm
bulletKyoto, climate change and greenhouse gas control in Canada and Alberta
bulletOn wind turbines, water vapor, Kyoto, Denmark, climate change, and greenhouse gasmanagement
bulletReducing personal greenhouse gas emissions under the climate change plan
bulletSign Kyoto, shelve it, and forget it by Catherine Ford, Calgary Herald
bulletCanada's Kyoto clean energy greenhouse gas credits spurned by the United Nations
bulletMade in Canada or Alberta greenhouse gas solution not an appropriate Kyoto climate change tactic
bulletMaybe Alberta wind power investment a risky business
bulletCalgary light transit train claim of wind power a bad joke
bulletWater vapor (vapour) the most important greenhouse gas
bulletAlberta and Canada have worked together on Kyoto greenhouse gas management scheme since 1997
bulletWind turbines not a reliable source of energy for Alberta and Canada
bulletDenmark wind and renewable energy not as rosy as often claimed
bulletReducing personal greenhouse gas emissions for Kyoto
bulletDr Suzuki staff makes greenhouse gas technical errors on his behalf
bulletA committment to reduce personal greenhouse gas emissions
bulletPremier Klein response to letter on the Kyoto Protocol from the Canadian Nuclear Association
bulletLetter to Premier Klein on the National Climate Change Process
bulletSupport documents/Letters/Letters 2002/Premier Klein_files/filelist.xml
bulletAlberta Environment Minister Taylor letter re the Alberta Action Plan on Climate Change to the Canadian Nuclear Association
bulletCanada, Kyoto and Alberta: Need to delay Kyoto ratification till a realistic national plan is established
bulletWind, nuclear, fossil fuel, generated energy and electricity - Fire and lumber in greenhouse gas management
bulletDuane Pendergast on climate change, IPCC, Kyoto, renewable, greenhouse gas management and energy
bulletSome thoughts, reasoning and questions on forest fires, forest sinks, agriculture and biological sinks
bulletRenewable Energy Deployment Initiative in Canada and Relevance to Kyoto
bulletShould we feed corn to cars as a Kyoto measure when people are starving? Is it effective GHG control?
bulletClimate change and carbon dioxide facts in the Ottawa Citizen
bulletOil sand (oilsand) and nuclear energy reduces greenhouse gas from syncrude production
bulletCanada's hydrogen fuel cell energy technology development initiative and Kyoto
bulletMeeting Canada's one tonne greenhouse gas challenge with Hybrid Honda Civic
bulletHumans and nature connected by earth's carbon cycle
bulletAgriculture and forest carbon sinks example based on carbon in lumber export
bulletCarbon dioxide measurement from car exhaust is not needed to estimate greenhouse gas emissions
bulletAre power utilities able to meet renewable energy guarantees with green electricity - wind power?
bulletHydrogen fuel cell for planes, trains, and automobiles
bulletSuncor oil sands, greenhouse gas emission and nuclear energy
bulletVirtual library could help city council meet Kyoto support pledge
bulletBurning food to help comply with the Kyoto Protocol
bulletDigging for diamonds wastes energy and generates greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy from biomass does not sequester carbon emissions in permanent sinks
bulletWater battery and renewable energy: A potential media exaggeration and extravaganza
bulletCanada's auto manufacturing industry not a source of GHG emissions in Large Industrial Emitter group
bulletEnvironment Canada error in greenhouse gas reduction in steel industry with 2001 inventory?
bulletNon reliable and variable wind lessens it's value as a greenhouse gas free electricity and power source
bulletEnergy efficiency induced greenhouse gas reduction as a climate change solution
bulletCanada might hope Russia does not ratify Kyoto
bulletSierra Club report card on Canada and Alberta Kyoto performance
bulletRenewable energy will do little to avoid power blackout in Ontario
bulletBuy Honda Civic hybrid vehicle to meet the one tonne challenge in Canada re Kyoto?
bulletLetter from Minister Dhaliwal - probe of Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative (REDI)
bulletRenewable Energy Deployment Initiative, Natural Resorces Canada and green energy subsidies
bulletWind energy in Alberta an unreliable source of energy and needs storage at high cost
bulletWater injection for oil recovery
bulletClimate change, greenhouse, nuclear waste, charcoal, Kyoto
bulletNuclear Waste Management Organization requires consideration of positve aspects of nuclear science and technology
bulletGreenhouse gas sinks from organic garbage and trash
bulletNot all possible dire events warrant advance responsive action
bulletCanada's one tonne challenge to Canadians to help meet Kyoto is old news from the Climate Change Plan for Canada
bulletCanada's Throne Speech drops the Kyoto word
bulletCanada's One Tonne Challenge on Kyoto related personal greenhouse gas emissions
bulletCanada forgets Kyoto and puts it on the shelf
bulletHydrogen inefficiency with fuel cells not a road block to greenhouse gas reductions
bulletHydrogen as a replacement for liquid fossil fuels
bulletLandfill methane and credits for greenhouse gas reduction
bulletKyoto accord is being neglected in Canada
bulletCanada unilaterally shifts the Kyoto compliance date to 2012
bulletRussia commits Canada to impossible Kyoto task
bulletCanada going beyond Kyoto will break the economy
bulletDavid Suzuki mistake on urban heat island
bulletDavid Suzuki mistake originates with Alanna Mitchell of Globe and Mail
bulletWind turbines and transmission lines idled when wind stops blowing
bulletJames Lovelock, Gwynne Dyer, climate change and nuclear power
bulletEducating Canadians on climate change and greenhouse gas management
bulletScience based carbon dioxide management with agricultural charcoal and carbon
bulletClimate change charades can't confuse Canadians
bulletUsing charcoal for simultaneous soil fertilizer and carbon sink
bulletConflict between individual and global(micro and macro) greenhouse gas reduction
bulletCalculate personal greenhouse gas emissions
bulletGreenhouse gases, (GHG) global warming,energy and climate change
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/slide0050_image008.jpg
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/oledata.mso
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/pres.xml
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsing manure and garbage to produce energy and fertilizer
bulletMicromanagement (micro management)of greenhouse gas ineffective
bulletCanada squirming out of Kyoto
bulletEnvironmentalists promote global warming hypothesis and ineffective action
bulletThe distinction between pollution and carbon dioxide
bulletPerhaps tree rings not a very precise indicator of temperature
bulletGround source heat pumps reduce GHG emissions only if electricity is greenhouse gas free
bulletCanada's forest greenhouse gas (GHG) sink and inventory not rational re wood products
bulletNuclear energy and water driven turbines provide greenhouse gas (GHG) free energy to manufacturers
bulletIs there an environmental conspiracy pushing cliamte change and Kyoto in Canada?
bulletClimate change conspiracy in Canada?
bulletCanada's greenhouse gas inventory and the forest product carbon sink
bulletRadiation heat transfer, climate science, greenhouse gas (GHG) control
bulletMillennium Ecosystem Assessment misses role of energy introduced by humans to ecosystems
bulletCanada's Project Green claims Kyoto about clean air and water
bulletCanada overdue for Kyoto damage control
bulletClaim climate change a risk to whales another silly pronouncement
bulletG8 meeting might help reason prevail on climate change and Kyoto
bulletG8 might be concerned about global warming and cooling
bulletPower grid does not store energy for use when needed
bulletOne Tonne Challenge not very effective greenhouse gas action
bulletSoftwood lumber export should be carbon sink for Canada
bulletFriends of Science talk on climate science in Lethbridge
bulletSuzuki discusses report on plant growth and emissions of dubious value
bulletScience, scientists, climate change and greenhouse gas
bulletPrime Minister Chretien still behind Kyoto and sponsorship
bulletTwo decades needed to debunk Kyoto
bulletSierra Club discourages action to sequester greenhouse gas
bulletCanada's forests absorb carbon dioxide and store carbon in lumber sink
bulletCanada pays megatonnes of money for Kyoto
bulletNuclear resource available long after fossil fuel too precious to burn
bulletCanada role in Kyoto hard to understand
bulletRona Ambrose, greenhouse gases, (GHG) global warming,energy, and climate change
bulletClimate science and solutions uncertain
bulletForests, methane and climate science uncertainty
bulletNuclear energy in Iran and diplomacy
bulletLethbridge cogeneration and Montana Alberta power line for electricity exports
bulletClimatism new environmental religion
bulletSuzuki spin on climate change and greenhouse gas management
bulletFormer PM Chretien says Kyoto targets reachable
bulletMinister Rona Ambrose, Environment Canada funding support for climate change
bulletSupport documents/Letters/Letters 2006/Ambrose 06_03_files/filelist.xml
bulletCanada's Kyoto pledge cancelled?
bulletTime for Canada to get out of Kyoto
bulletWishing Minister Ambrose success with the climate change file
bulletMontana Alberta powerline from Great Falls to Lethbridge
bulletWater to produce oil from canola and Alberta's oil (tar) sands
bulletCarp confusion over Kyoto, carbon dioxide, and pollution
bulletPublic relations, polls and climate science
bulletThw Wegman Report and the hockey stick
bulletAccess to information on climate change policy in Canada
bulletReport of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
bulletCanadians need access to information on climate change plans
bulletCanada's Clean Air Act a breath of fresh air
bulletHuman intelligence increases the planet's bio-productivity
bulletCanada can withdraw from Kyoto
bulletPlanet dependent on and supporting a natural human component
bulletSuzuki finds news exaggerates points made by science papers
bulletNuclear energy generates fossil fuel royalty
bulletThorium another nuclear fission fuel
bulletClosure of websites counfounds open transparent government
bulletShould Canada withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol?
bulletKyoto overlooks carbon cycle
bulletMinister Ambrose a victim of sabotage?
bulletKyoto, greenhouse gases, (GHG) global warming,energy, and climate change
bulletFriends of the Earth carbon tax proposal
bulletParliament's Bill C-288 re Kyoto pledge makes mischief
bulletBranson prize on greenhouse gas removal miserly
bulletDavid Suzuki advice to Canada's government on climate change
bulletCanada's Kyoto target trivialized by media
bulletKyoto think on greenhouse gas management distorts reality
bulletCanada needs membership in Global Nucleae Energy Partnership
bulletMedia writes before reading
bulletBaird versus Gore.htm
bulletUnderstanding climate change requires serious study
bulletClimate change a multimedia fantasy game
bulletCanada already in the global nuclear energy partnership
bulletWind OK for for residents, but not for city
bulletRevised Alberta royalty regimen may turn out OK
bulletGreen parade makes little sense
bulletWhere has National Climate Change Process gone?
bulletWind energy may be a white elephant
bulletWind makes nuclear look very economical
bulletWind energy in Alberta very expensive
bulletRemoval offsets differ from emission avoidance offsets
bulletPembina Institute obfuscates emissions from nuclear energy
bulletNuclear energy, oilsands, oil sands, carbon emissions, National Climate Change Process
bulletNational Climate Change Process Lost
bulletSoil from Oil 08_03.htm
bulletBiofuels 08_03.htm
bulletAlberta expert panel to report on nuclear energy
bulletPublic wants continuing development of the Alberta oil sands
bulletEvidence for radiation effects lacking at TMI
bulletNuclear energy will be needed
bulletOil and water use in Alberta oil sands not excessive
bulletEnergy supply greater priority than climate
bulletTerra Preta an alternative way to capture carbon?
bulletLetter to Canada's Environment Minister Jim Prentice
bulletAlberta transmission line plans on shaky basis
bulletWind power needs expensive transmission lines
bulletLetters 2009.htm
bulletMann World.htm
bulletCity Council 09_03.htm
bulletCouncil Request 09_02.htm
bulletBrochu 09_07.htm
bulletBill 50 09_11.htm
bulletDyer 09_11.htm
bulletSchindler 09_12.htm
bulletClimategate 09_12.htm
bulletComputare Commentary on energy and climate change 2010
bulletSupport documents/Letters/Letters 2010/EC Jim Prentice_Tony Young 09_03_03.pdf
bulletInformation on spent nuclear fuel or waste in Canada
bulletPrice shocks for electricity in Lethbridge, Alberta
bulletThanks for a climate change article which sticks to observed facts
bulletSmart meters maybe not a good thing for Lethbridge, Alberta
bulletLomborg mistaken on solar and wind power electronics analogy
bulletUranium is worth more than gold
bulletCarbon capture storage and sequestration research and development in Alberta, Canada
bulletNational Climate Change Process not properly documented for history
bulletComputare commentary on energy and climate change
bulletCarbon Dioxide not root of allevil
bulletAlarmist's crying wolf may sink climate change issue
bulletCoalition goverment a concern re climate change policy
bulletAlberta electrical transmission lines overbuilt?
bulletUsed nuclear fuel is a treasure
bulletHave Kyoto induced investments harmed Europe's economy?
bulletPremier Redford confused with Robert Redford?
bulletKyoto withdrawal dubious benefit?
bulletLetters on energy and climate change
bulletEnergy the basis for life
bulletChiquita abd Forest Ethics tarring oilsands
bulletTake a time out on transmission system building
bulletGalt Museum climate change statements strange
bulletJohn Davies review of Alberta electricity system
bulletNuclear energy for life on earth
bulletLetters re global warming less than predicted
bulletSupport documents/Letters/Letters 2013/Pembina Recreational Lease 2008.pdf
bulletAtomic scale energy needed to support life
bulletCold oceans may prevent serious global warming long term
bulletCanWEA campaigns for more subsidy
bulletOcean and atmosphere modelling incredibly difficult
bulletEnvironmental antics inapprropriate in environmental reviews
bulletEnvironmental organizations use dubious methods to slow development
bulletFrivolous recreational lease used to waste time at environmental review of oilsands project
bulletChief Allan Adams using Bishop Tutu and other celebrities as useful idiots?
bulletUS ForestEthics trying to bias Northern Gateway Pipeline review
bulletLethbridge biodiesel plant bankrupt before commercial production
bulletClimate change and energy
bulletSupport documents/Letters/Letters 2015/Taber MD and Chamber __ August 5 2015__ electrical transmission.pdf
bulletQuestioning some climate science doesn't make a denier
bulletOffenberger fusion presentaion to SACPA
bulletPST or PCT, is that the question?</b>
bulletWaging Climate War
bulletAlberta Climate Leadership
bulletBill 27 16_12_31.htm
bulletEnergy and climate change in Alberta
bulletAlberta energy efficiency program
bulletAlberta's Minister Phillips falsely accusing previous government of neglecting energy efficiency
bulletComputare participates in Canada - Kyoto - Alberta public consultation on greenhouse and climate change
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/pres.xml
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletNuclear energy and Alberta's oil (tar) sands
bulletNational Stakeholder Submission on Canada Kyoto plan for greenhouse management
bulletSubmission to Alberta climate change and greenhouse gas reduction action plan
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Alberta Public Submission_files/filelist.xml
bulletSubmission to Alberta's Climate Change Advisory Panel
bulletSubmission of comments on Canada's greenhouse gas offset consultation discussion document
bulletAlberta Stakeholder Submission on management of greenhouse gas alternative to Kyoto
bulletCANDU nuclear energy to provide electricty, SAGD steam, hydrogen for heavy oil upgrading, and irrigation in Alberta
bulletSample Overhead
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/oledata.mso
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/pres.xml
bulletKyoto ratification by Canada and Russia means Canada commited to reduce greenhouse gas to 6% below 1990
bulletReducing greenhouse gas emissions with nuclear electricity as part of Canada's action to comply with the Kyoto Protocol
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/IG Nuclear Analysis/IG Nuclear Analysis Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/IG Nuclear Analysis/IG Nuclear Analysis.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/IG Nuclear Analysis/IG Nuclear Analysis Appendix A.pdf
bulletUsing energy from nuclear, wind, and coal to modify the carbon cycle, including charcoal black carbon sinks.
bulletSample Overhead
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/pres.xml
bulletSample Overhead
bulletUsing energy to manage the carbon cycle and greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/pres.xml
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletNuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), used nuclear fuel, climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG)management
bulletUsed nuclear fuel waste, ethics, energy,conservation, recycle, energy technology innovation
bulletNWMO, sustainable development, used nuclear fuel (waste)management, energy benefits and needs
bulletAboriginal elders advise that we should think of the impact of our actions seven generations hence
bulletJames Lovelock, originator of the Gaia hypotheses sees nuclear energy as the climate friendly energy source
bulletThe ANS defines nuclear energy as renewable while Canadians want recycling and reusing used fuel considered.
bulletThe future management of Canada's used nuclear fuel
bulletElizabeth Dodeswell Letter on nuclear fuel waste management study
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/NWMO/Elizabeth Dodeswell Letter_files/filelist.xml
bulletChoosing a way forward with Canada's spent nuclear fuel
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/NWMO/Final Review 05_08_files/filelist.xml
bulletBlue Ridge 08_04_05.htm
bulletWhitecourt 08_04_04.htm
bulletWhitecourt Star Ad 08_01_30.htm
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Whitecourt Star Ad 08_01_30_files/filelist.xml
bulletWhitecourt Reading List 08_04_04.htm
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Whitecourt Reading List 08_04_04_files/filelist.xml
bulletNuclear energy for Alberta
bulletContributions to Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) climate change conference
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/pres.xml
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/pres.xml
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/pres.xml
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletBeyond Kyoto - greenhouse gas sink management
bulletEnergy, the carbon cycle and greenhouse gas management
bulletIncreasing nuclear fission fuel supplies
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Nuclear Paper 06_05_files/filelist.xml
bulletThe role of forest wood products in Canada's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
bulletAlberta oil sands consultation and nuclear energy
bulletWater in the West: Under Pressure
bulletNuclear Energy for Alberta
bulletPublications on Canadian technology to reduce greenhouse gas and manage climate change including nuclear energy
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Energy Bridge_Nuclear Oil Sands/Energy Bridge Spring 2011.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Nuclear oilsands.pdf
bulletSoil from oil: Is biochar the magic bullet we've been waiting for?
bulletSupport documents/Publications/More Energy is Less/Alberta Oil_More Energy is Less.pdf
bulletConference Program description.htm
bulletClimate change conference: energy, coal, oil, gas, nuclear, sinks, sequestration, forests, agriculture,life-cycle
bulletReducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light trucks in Canada
bulletSupport documents/Publications/CO2 Free Cars_files/filelist.xml
bulletReducing the greenhouse effect: A major new benefit from nuclear energy use
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Digest_files/filelist.xml
bulletEstimating life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from CANDU nuclear power plants
bulletClimate change issue cooling with reduced temperature increase predictions and lessened public interest
bulletimages/Cooling Carbon Cycle Figure 1.JPG
bulletimages/Cooling Temps Figure 2.JPG
bulletimages/Cooling Control Run Figure 3.JPG
bulletimages/Cooling US Temp Figure 4.JPG
bulletimages/Cooling Satellite Figure 5.JPG
bulletimages/Cooling Temp Projection Figure 6.JPG
bulletReducing greenhouse gas emissions from oil (tar) sands using CANDU nuclear reactors
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Nuclear oil sand_files/filelist.xml
bulletSustainable development is consistent with expanded use of nuclear energy and electricty
bulletIs a reduced greenhouse effect an overall human and environmental safety benefit of nuclear energy?
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Nuclear Safety_files/filelist.xml
bulletReduce uranium resource consumption by recycle and reuse of nuclear power plant fuel
bulletDeregulation of electricity in Ontario and nuclear energy in the context of reduced greenhouse gas emissions
bulletSupport documents/Publications/OH Millenium 96_files/filelist.xml
bulletUsing energy to manage greenhouse gas emissions
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Energy and CO2 Management_files/filelist.xml
bulletSample Overhead
bulletTregguno_Duffey_ Pendergast.htm
bulletSupport documents/Publications/Tregguno_Duffey_ Pendergast_files/filelist.xml
bulletTerra Preta - Making soil from charcoal
bulletEnergy Bridge article on nuclear and the oil sands
bulletPersonal household, car and electricity One Tonne Challenge greenhouse gas emission calculations
bulletCanada's One Tonne Challenge program will fizzle out with no detectable effect
bulletLetter to One Tonne Challenge - Tell Us What You're Doing
bulletPersonal household greenhouse gas emission inventory from cars, electricity and natural gas
bulletSupport documents/Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Car GHG Emissions.xls
bulletPersonal household greenhouse gas emission inventory from cars
bulletSupport documents/Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Car GHG Emissions_files/filelist.xml
bulletPersonal household greenhouse gas emission inventory from cars
bulletPersonal household greenhouse gas emission inventory from cars
bulletSupport documents/Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Natural Gas 1990-2001 Inventory Based.xls
bulletHousehold greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas burned
bulletSupport documents/Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Electricity Use & Emissions.xls
bulletHousehold greenhouse gas emissions from electricity
bulletGuest articles and papers on climate change, greenhouse gas management and nuclear technology
bulletSupport documents/Guests/AAMDC 2016/Voutsinos AAMDC 16_11_15.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Energy Collegium R&M/AESO Reeves and Mayors 16_05_19.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Don Jones/Don Jones 11_11.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Cosmos Voutsinos/ENERGY POLICY final 2.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Holdren Letter/100406 1300-Holdren_Letter_and_Cosigners.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Holdren Letter/100305 John Holdren reply 2 pages.pdf
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/filelist.xml
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/preview.wmf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/editdata.mso
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06 Presentation/Dan CNS Presentation 06_06_files/pres.xml
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletTransition from oil to nuclear energy
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Dan Meneley 06_06_files/filelist.xml
bulletGeology and evolution from the beginning through dinosaurs to man
bulletErnest Siddall gets serious about the greenhouse gas problem
bulletUsing nuclear energy to get the most from Alberta's tar sands
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Cosmos Voutsinos/Getting the most_files/filelist.xml
bulletAn Introduction to Nobody's Fuel
bulletNuclear energy in western canada
bulletDuane Pendergast Biography
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF1/1 _ Duane Pendergast Seminar Introduction 09_05_30.pdf
bulletJim Harvie Biography
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF1/1 - Jim Harvie Seminar Introduction.pdf
bulletHarold McFarlane Biography
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF1/1 - McFarlane Remarks in Opening Plenary of WFS 09_06_01.pdf
bulletDuane Bratt Biography
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF1/2 - Bratt CNS Paper 2009 09_05_27.pdf
bulletLen Simpson and Blair Skinner Biographies
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF1/3 - Simpson Skinner Manitoba Nuclear 09_05_27.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF1/3 - Simpson Manitoba 09_06_01.pdf
bulletJay Harris Biography
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF1/4 - Harris - Total energy supply for remote Human Habitations 09_06_19.pdf
bulletSoheil Asgarpour Biography
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF1/5 - Soheil Asgarpour PTAC nuclearconfernce.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF2/1 - Ian J. Potter_McFarlane Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF2/1 - Ian Potter_CNA-ARC-INL - Final 09_05_31.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF2/2 - Scott_Alexander Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF2/2 - Scott_Alexander Hydricity 09_06_02.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF2/3 - Robert Cherry Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF2/3 - R S Cherry - Low CO2 hybrid systems 09_06_02.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF2/4 - Ron Oberth et al Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF2/4 - Oberth - CANDU Nuclear Plant Configured for Multiple Oil Sands 09_05_29.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF2/5 - Ryland_Suppiah Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF2/6 - Ryland-Suppiah WF2.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF3/1 - John R. Deal Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF3/2 - Arie et al Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF3/2 - Arie Toshiba 4S 09_05_06 rev2.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF3/2 - Aries 4S Toshiba Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF3/3 - Moor_O'Brien Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF3/3 - Moor_OBrien Toshiba 4S 090531 CNS presentation r2.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF3/4 - Telengator_Shenoy Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF3/4 - Telengator Modular Helium 09_06_02.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF3/5 - Veshnyakov_Fadeev et al bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF3/5 - Veshnyakov Shipbuilding 09_06_02.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF3/6 - Farrell_Powell Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF3/6 - Farrell_Powell Compact Transportable Nuclear Power Systems 09_04_29.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF3/6 - Farrell_A Compact Transportable Nuclear Reactor.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF4/1 - Terry Jamieson bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF4/1 - Jamieson Licensing.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF4/2 - Cosmos Voutsinos Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF4/2 - Voutsinos Qualifications 09_05_28.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF4/2 - Voutsinos Qualifications 09_05_30.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF4/3 - Chary Rangacharyulu Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF4/3 - RangaCharylou Education.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF4/4 - Laurence Hoye Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF4/4 - Hoye NATIONAL ENERGY LAB 09_05_28.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF4/4 - Hoye National Energy Lab 09_04_25.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF4/5 - Josef Hormes Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF4/5 - Hormes Synchrotron.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF4/6 - Cuttler_Polycove Bios.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF4/6 - Cuttler Nuclear Energy and Health 09_05_28.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF4/6 - Cuttler_Nuclear Energy and Health May18.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF5/1 - Jose Reyes Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF5/1 - Reyes_ NuScale.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF5/2 - Neil Alexander Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF5/2 - Alexander_The Nuclear Industry.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF5/3 - Ruben Mazzi Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Presentations/WF5/3 - Mazzi_Why CAREM.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Bios/WF5/4 - Trevor Thain Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare PDF Western Focus Seminar/Papers_Handouts/WF5/Trevor Thain Handout 09_05_29.pdf
bulletMZN Debate.htm
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/1 of 8 The Economics of Nuclear Power McNamara-Bratt.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/2 of 8 Radiation as a result of nuclear power generation Whitlock-Brochu.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/3 of 8 Spent fuel from nuclear power generation Sauvageau-Pendergast.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/4 of 8 Water use for nuclear power plants Voutsinos-Brochu.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/5 of 8 Green Energy Howell-Keyes.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/6 of 8 LLW Stephens-McNamara.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/7 of 8 Nuclear power accidents Meneley-Schacherl.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/MZN Nuclear Debate/Debate feedback Voutsinos_Pendergast_Rymhs_Glabik 10_05_05.pdf
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bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/1 - Jay Harris Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Education/1- Jay Harris Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/2- David Malcolm Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Education/2 - David Malcolm Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/3 - Jason Donev Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Education/3 - Jason Donev Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/4 - McCollum Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/4- Duane Bratt Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Education/4 - Brett McCollum Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Education/4 - Brett McCollum Paper.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/5 - Brenda Stanek Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Education/5 - Brenda Stanek Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Education/5 - Brenda Stanek Slides with Notes.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Education/6 - Denise Chartrand Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Education/6 - Denise Chartrand Slides with Notes.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Reactors/1 - Paul Farrell Bio .pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Reactors/1-Paul Farrell Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Reactors/2 - Dan Meneley Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Reactors/2-Dan Meneley Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Reactors/3 - Ken Kozier Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Reactors/3-Ken Kozier Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Reactors/4 - David LeBlanc Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Reactors/4-David LeBlanc Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Reactors/5 - David Carlson Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Reactors/5-David Carlson Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Safety/1 - Barclay Howden Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Safety/1-Barclay Howden Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Safety/1-Barclay Howden Slides with Notes.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Safety/2 - Roger Humphries.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Safety/2-Roger Humphries Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Safety/3 - Al Spyth Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Safety/3-Al Shpyth Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Safety/2-Al Shpyth Paper.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Safety/2-Al Shpyth Slides with Notes.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Safety/Jerry Milton Cuttler.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Safety/4-Jerry Cuttler Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Papers_Handouts/Safety/4-Jerry Cuttler Paper.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Plenary/1 - Dan Ingersoll Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Plenary/1-Dan Ingersoll Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Plenary/2 - Christopher Deir Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Plenary/2-Christopher Deir Presentation.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Bios/Plenary/3 - Ryan Blinn Bio.pdf
bulletSupport documents/Guests/Computare 2012 PDF WFS/Presentations/Plenary/3-Ryan Blinn Presentation.pdf
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - July 2015
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - June 2011
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/master03.htm
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - July 2013
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - August 2015
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Sustainable Presentation/Sustainable Policy 06_05_files/master03.htm
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - July 2011
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletSample Overhead
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - August 2013
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - September 2016
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - August 2012
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - September 2015
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - September 2014
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - September 2013
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bulletSample Overhead
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/master02.htm
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/master02.htm
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - September 2012
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bulletSample Overhead
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - September 2011
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/master01.htm
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/master01.htm
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/fullscreen.htm
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bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/master02.htm
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - January 2017
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - January 2016
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletCharcoal(black pyrogenic carbon) as a carbon sink in agriculture and forestry
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/fullscreen.htm
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - February 2017
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - January 2013
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - February 2016
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - January 2012
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - February 2015
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/Cafe Scientifique/Cafe Scientifique 04_05_05_files/master02.htm
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - February 2014
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - March 2017
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/master01.htm
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - February 2013
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - March 2016
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CIE/Computare Web_CNA CIE Presentation_files/master01.htm
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ASABE 2010/ASABE Bridges 11_08_26_files/master03.htm
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - February 2012
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bulletSample Overhead
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - March 2015
bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - March 2014
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Body/Energy_Mega_Engineering 06_05_files/master03.htm
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - April 2017
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - October 2016
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - March 2013
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - April 2016
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - October 2015
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/SACPA/Computare SACPA Presentation with Notes_files/master01.htm
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - May 2017
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
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bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - April 2012
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - May 2015
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - October 2011
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - Last 12 Months
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - November 2014
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/CCC2006/Energy Presentation Intro/Mega_Engineering Session Intro Final_files/fullscreen.htm
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - May 2014
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - June 2017
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - November 2013
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - December 2016
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - June 2016
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - November 2012
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?
bulletOil to nuclear energy transition
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - December 2015
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bulletSupport documents/Fora Input/ANES 2004/ANES Presentation 04_10_08_files/master03.htm
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - June 2015
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bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - June 2014
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bulletDeveloping Mega-Engineered Climate Change Solutions
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - December 2011
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - July 2014
bulletEnergy, science, and technology to manage and control greenhouse gas
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - August 2016
bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - July 2012
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bulletUsage Statistics for computare.org - August 2014
bulletThe Kyoto Protocol: Where did it come from? Where might it take us?

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