Calgary Herald
Thursday, December 12, 2002
For sale: hot air
My wife and I work from home. We've saved office space for two employees
(estimated four tonnes).I sold my car (five tonnes) as I now telecommute (five
tonnes) and my wife drives much less (three tonnes). We bought a very small
motor home to minimize emissions (five tonnes). We sold our older, poorly
insulated house in Ontario and moved to a newer, energy-efficient house in
Alberta (two tonnes).
It seems we have already reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by about 24 tonnes
annually and are well beyond the request from our federal government that we
reduce our emissions by one tonne each.
Perhaps there will be an emission reduction credit for this under the
government's climate change plan. Citizens or organizations less environmentally
conscious than we are, or compelled to increase their emissions, may wish to buy
them from us.
We look forward to offers for our excess 22 tonnes per year carbon dioxide
reduction, but only after the price goes over $100 per tonne.
Duane Pendergast