Wednesday, March 24, 2004
The Editor
The Lethbridge Herald
P.O. Box 670
AB, T1J 3Z7
Canada and the Kyoto Protocol – Budget 2004
Dear Editor:
A computer search of the 400 page Federal Budget 2004 reveals there is no use
of the Kyoto word (“Tight-fisted budget”, Wednesday, March 24).
Catherine Ford suggested, in her Calgary Herald column of November 24, 2002,
that Canada ratify Kyoto, put it on a shelf, and forget it. Her rationale for
this approach was that commitments to the United Nations usually come to nothing
anyway – so why bother fighting it. I thought she was being delightfully silly
and sarcastic. Perhaps our federal government took her seriously. In any case
her proposition seems to have been faithfully followed as our former Prime
Minister immediately ratified Kyoto. Now it is on a top shelf and all but
That’s good. Kyoto was a looming disaster for Canada. Ottawa must be quietly
hoping, or maybe knows, Russia will not ratify Kyoto. That will provide a
relatively graceful exit from Canada’s commitment.
On the other hand, the phrase “climate change” is used seven times in the
budget. Some modest “no regrets” initiatives are proposed to develop technology
intended to reduce and control greenhouse gas emissions. We do need to develop a
basis for serious action if science demonstrates we have a real problem with
human induced climate change.
Yours truly,
Duane Pendergast