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30 Fairmont Park Lane S
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 7H7
Phone: (403) 328-1804
Sunday, January 18, 2004
The Editor
The Lethbridge Herald
P.O. Box 670
AB, T1J 3Z7
Dear Editor: 

Re: Nuclear positives 

Congratulations to the Herald for preparing two articles on positive aspects of nuclear science and technology. (Lethbridge’s nuclear family, January 17, D12) 

Readers can learn more about the benefits associated with the word nuclear at the website (www.cna.ca) of the Canadian Nuclear Association. Some sober deliberation on the information presented there could lead them to conclude that the benefits of nuclear technology far exceed the negative aspects related to “war, weapon or meltdown”. 

As for the negative aspects, the Herald missed the number one bogey word associated with nuclear. That word is waste. Canada’s newly formed Nuclear Waste Management Organization is conducting a public review of options to deal with spent fuel from nuclear reactors. Public input is sought via their website (www.nwmo.ca). This is an opportunity for all to learn about the issue and provide their insights in an open forum.

This is an important issue.  It needs to be understood and resolved in the context of the benefits Canadians reap from the many positives associated with nuclear science and technology.

 Yours truly,


Duane Pendergast

Computare – Member of the Canadian Nuclear Association


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