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30 Fairmont Park Lane S
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 7H7
Phone: (403) 328-1804
Wednesday, September 08, 2005
The Editor
The Lethbridge Herald
P.O. Box 670
AB, T1J 3Z7
Dear Editor, 

Canada’s commitment to Kyoto has not had much presence in the news lately.  

A press release from Environment Canada under “What’s New” (September 2) at www.ec.gc.ca  provides late breaking information. 

Environment Canada is proposing that carbon dioxide be added to the list of substances monitored under the Environmental Protection Act. Carbon dioxide is said to “constitute a danger to the environment on which life depends” as a result of changes it might bring to our climate. (Carbon dioxide is also a natural and vital component of the atmosphere and essential to most life on earth. Plants use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to create food. We and other animals and plants exhale carbon dioxide formed from our food.) 

With that legislation in place our government will move ahead to try and control carbon dioxide emissions from the “large final emitters”.  For the most part this covers heavy industry and electricity production. A proposed “offset credit system” is under discussion for implementation as well. To learn more about these initiatives readers can visit the website above. 

On the other hand, many climate scientists believe concern over human induced climate change has been exaggerated. The Friends of Science Society from Calgary has prepared a video in which several scientists explain how they have come to that belief. The Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs has invited Friends of Science to show the video and answer questions at 12:00 Noon to 1:30PM on Thursday, September 29 at Sven Ericksen's Family Restaurant. The general public is invited. The cost is $8.00 and includes lunch.  

Yours truly,


Duane Pendergast


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