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30 Fairmont Park Lane S
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 7H7
Phone: (403) 328-1804
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The Editor
The Lethbridge Herald
P.O. Box 670
AB, T1J 3Z7
Dear Editor, 

Re: City, county look to burn waste gas, generate electricity, 2005-12-20, A1

Thane Hurlburt’s proposal to use manure and food processing waste for energy and fertilizer may be the harbinger of major changes in agriculture, energy technology and utilization of bio-resources to come.

Some organizations are devoting serious thought to find solutions to depleting fossil fuel and agricultural resources.  

In particular, visionary scientists in Europe and the United States are merging ancient agricultural techniques into modern energy and agricultural technology. Their goal is to provide the energy humans need while building soil resources. The methodology simultaneously controls increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases thought by some to be causing catastrophic climate change.

In summary, these scientists are optimistic that they will be able to establish techniques to ‘build soil from oil” and other fossil fuels, by harnessing natural processes related to cycling carbon bearing greenhouse gases through earth’s atmosphere. Details of the science and technology are posted at; www.eprida.com.

This one time Alberta farm boy provides an easy reading basic introduction at; www.computare.org/commentary.htm.  

 Yours truly,


Duane Pendergast


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