30 Fairmont Park Lane S Our former prime minister, Jean Chrétien, might be wise to stop reminding us that he is the one who signed Canada on to the Kyoto debacle. (“Kyoto targets still reachable, says Chretien”, March 7, A7”) The first Kyoto period ends in 2012. The former government has put us on track toward a billion tonne shortfall in our carbon dioxide emission reduction commitment by that time. Any attempt, at this late date, to meet the commitment through ineffective action and by buying emission credits will inflict a severe burden on taxpayers. If our new government does not disengage Canada from Kyoto, we will justifiably blame them for the financial pain that will be inflicted on us. The pain will not yield any detectable change of atmospheric greenhouse gases or climate. Our memories are short. Jean Chrétien’s imperious initial commitment of Canada to Kyoto would be forgotten by all but a few obscure historians, if he would just stop reminding us of his complicity. Yours truly,
Duane Pendergast