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Climate Change 2: Canadian Technology Development
Wednesday Evening, Thursday, Friday, October 3,4,5
Holiday Inn on King, Toronto, Ontario
Program Description
Establishing the program for a conference is an exciting
venture. One is never quite sure of the end result when starting out. I'm
pleased to say, on behalf of the Technical Program Committee and Session Chairs,
that we have arrived at a Conference Program, which is very timely and relevant
to Canada's international commitment to manage atmospheric greenhouse gas.
The conference was conceived in early 2000 as a forum to discuss Canadian GHG
avoidance and mitigation technologies. The goal was to solicit policy and
technical papers on the broad range of technologies established by reference to
the National Climate Change Process Technology Table Options Report. The Call
for Papers requested abstracts on the following and related topics.
. Fossil Organic Resource Production
· Energy Production
· Energy End Use
· Non-Energy Greenhouse Gas Emissions (eg. agriculture, cement)
· Greenhouse Gas Management
· Enabling/Cross-Cutting Technologies (eg. hydrogen, electricity)
· Greenhouse Gas Technology Evaluation Methodology
· International Opportunities (eg. exportable technology, joint technology
development initiatives with other countries)
Human energy use is often cited as the root cause of greenhouse gas emissions.
We are cautiously optimistic that human use of energy may also be the key to
helping control greenhouse emissions. We have thus structured the conference
program to bring out the role the wise use of energy can play in helping us to
control greenhouse gas through opportunities to create and enhance natures sinks
for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. We have arranged the papers and
presentations in six sessions to consider:
· Canada's Opportunities for GHG Technology Development
. Sources of Energy and Materials
· Services Provided by Energy
· Sinks and Salvaging of GHG Emissions from Energy Use
· Societal Issues
· Encouraging Canada's Opportunities
The Program
The program is generally focused on greenhouse gas
reduction technology development. Since there is still some uncertainty with
respect to the reality of climate change issue, we have commissioned Jay Ingram,
of the Discovery Channel, to speak to us on that topic to open the conference on
Wednesday evening. We anticipate that Jay will provide us with useful background
perspective on the international consensus that greenhouse gas emissions need to
be controlled.
We have also provided opportunities for federal and provincial ministers
responsible for our environment and energy supplies to elaborate on government
policy. The Honorable Lorne Taylor, Minister of the Environment, Alberta has
accepted our invitation and will be represented by Allan Amey of Alberta's
Climate Change Central, our Conference Chair. The Honourable Ralph Goodale,
Minister of Natural Resources Canada has also accepted and will be represented
by Deputy Minister Peter Harrison. We anticipate that the Honourable David
Anderson will be accepting our invitation to open the Conference.
We begin the technical discussions Thursday morning with a plenary session
titled, "Greenhouse Gas Technology Development and Energy". This session sets
the stage for the subsequent more technical sessions by establishing the context
for Canadian greenhouse gas technology development. It begins by reflecting on
the climate change issue in context with humanity’s role in the carbon life
cycle and energy use with an address by Stuart Smith of the National Roundtable
on the Environment and the Economy. A second paper, by Robert Morrison, David
Layzell, and Ged McLean of the Conference Technical Program Committee provide an
overview of the conference theme and subsequent technical papers. Leaders from
Canada's National Climate Change Process, David Oulton and Graham Campbell,
provide updates on Canada's position on climate change technology development in
the overall context of international negotiations, and national and provincial
actions, respectively.
On Thursday afternoon two technical sessions will be undertaken in parallel. One
of these, "Sources of Energy and Material" focuses on major expectations for
future energy and material supply - with the emphasis turning out to be energy
supply. The opening paper in this session, by Bob Meneley, reviews Canada's
natural gas resource base, as it is an important source of relatively low
greenhouse gas emitting energy. Other papers consider the role of renewable
energy, the potential for energy from coal without emissions, and nuclear
energy. The session closes with a paper that cuts across all session topics. It
addresses the utilization of animal manure in the context of energy production,
ghg emission reduction and the production of composting material. Bernard Masse
of Hydro Quebec and Alan Johnson will be chairing this session. The second
session, "Energy Services and Enabling Technology" opens with a paper by David
Moore of Alcan Global Automotive solutions, which quantifies ghg reductions that
can be brought about developing the technology to employ lightweight materials
for use in transport. Most of the papers contributed are related to transport
technology although two do consider centralized energy systems. The session
closes with a summary of technology development possibilities in transport by
Jim McKenzie of the World Resources Institute. Nigel Fitzpatrick of Azure
Dynamics, and Ged McLean of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems of
University of Victoria will be chairing this session.
Friday morning brings two more technical sessions. One, "Technology to Salvage
and Sequester the Products of Energy Use" will be opened by David Layzell of
Biocap Canada Foundation. David's presentation, Biological Sinks: Canada's
Potential and Technology Development Needs" provides an overview of the
potential for biological systems to remove ghg from the atmosphere and to
provide energy and materials. Most of the papers in the session are devoted to
biotechnology related to the reduction of ghg emissions and the sequestration of
carbon. An important paper provides an overview of the potential for geological
sinks that nicely compliments a paper in Session 2a on reducing emissions from
coal. The session closes with a technical presentation by Richard Pharis,
"Finding the Best Trees for the Job" that evaluates the efficacy of different
tree species as biological sinks. Karen Haugen-Kozyra of Alberta Agriculture,
Food and Rural Development and Claudia Wagner-Riddle of the Canadian Society of
Agrometeorology chair the session. The other Friday morning session, "Societal
Issues and Technology Development" opens with a paper by Marc Rosen of the
Ryerson Polytechnic University which discusses the application of engineering
principles to the evaluation of ghg control technology. Other papers in the
session cover a variety of topics from life cycle assessment to the role of the
Clean Development Mechanism in technology development. The session closes with a
paper, "Soft Energies - Hard Choices" by Ray Burge which examines the
implications on society of alternative energy supplies of limited capacity.
Betty Rozendal of Atomic Energy of Canada and Holly Mitchell of BIOCAP Canada
Foundation chair the session.
The final plenary session, "Establishing Sustainable GHG Mitigation Technology"
looks forward to the establishment of policy to encourage the development and
deployment of ghg technology. Alan Glasgow of Ontario Power Generation opens the
session from the perspective of a major Canadian electricity supplier. Paul
Fauteux of Environment Canada provides participants with an update on the
negotiations relating to the Kyoto Protocol. Bob Page of Transalta Corporation
provides an industry oriented view of actions needed to promote ghg technology
in Canada, Sue Kirby of Natural Resources Canada closes the session with an
outline of government plans for action and policy development.
The program will close with a formal panel session comprised of plenary session
speakers and others to provide a final opportunity for questions and discussion.
Additional program details are available on this website including speakers
abstracts and biographies. The "Short Program" identifies all of the
presentations and speakers. Please note that many of the papers there are
identified in bold type. These papers have been designated as being on an
"Overview Track by" the Technical Program Committee. The purpose is to guide
participants through the parallel sessions to catch the papers we think will
provide the broadest understanding of greenhouse gas reduction technology.
Please note that the Overview Track papers are grouped at the beginning or end
of the sessions to minimize seat shuffling.
As you can see from this summary, we have established a comprehensive
multi-disciplinary program. We expect that the interaction of such a wide range
of expertise will generate some new ideas and understanding of greenhouse gas
technology issues. Please come prepared to participate with searching questions
and focused discussion. We are looking forward to a productive conference.
Duane Pendergast
Chair, Technical Program Committee
Climate Change 2: Canadian Technology Development
Conference Website