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What's New
This page provides information on additions and updates to the
Computare website. Direct links to new information are provided as appropriate.
Should you follow them, please click on "What's New" in the menu structure
if you wish to
return directly here.
July 4, 2017
Letters to Lethbridge Herald re Alberta energy efficiency programs
January 29, 2017
 | Energy Collegium presentation to
AAMDC Fall Convention, Edmonton. Alberta |
December 31, 2016
November 15, 2016
 | Presentation to AAMDC on Alberta
Climate Leadership Plan for renewable electricity and coal phase-out. |
June 18, 2016
December 12, 2015
Letter re wind power and and Alberta Climate Leadership Plan |
September 7, 2015
Submission to Alberta Government Climate Change Review Panel |
August 26, 2015
Letter re electrical transmission costs to Taber Economic Development |
January 6 - April 9, 2015
Letters re questioning of climate science claims, fusion energy and
potential for a provincial carbon tax |
March, 2015
January 11 - December 4, 2014
Letters re environmental organization interference with environmental
reviews and questions re reduced rate of global warming |
October 20 - December 19, 2013
Letters re climate change and environmental organization interference |
January 18, 2013
 | Presentation to SACPA by Anthony
Anyia (Alberta Innovates) re biochar R&D |
June 21, 2012
Letter re John Davies presentation on electricity system
deregulation to Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs |
June 10 - 13, 2012
June 3, 2012
 | Commentary on Canada's Kyoto
Withdrawal |
Letter re Tim BALL presentation at SACPA |
May 3, 2012
 | Letters re Alberta electricity price and oil sands boycott instigated by ForestEthics. |
January 22, 2012
 | Revised mandate to focus on energy for life |
Letter re energy for life |
December 22, 2011
Letters on Kyoto and oilsands |
 | Guest, Don Jones, article on varying
nuclear plant output to match variable loads |
Conference on the Assessment of
Future Energy Systems (CAFES) |
 | Visit to Idaho National Laboratory |
August 24, 2011
 | Letters on electricity supply and climate change |
 | Energy Bridge article
on nuclear energy and Alberta's oilsands |
 | Presentation to the
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers conference; "Bridges
to Sustainable Agriculture" |
 | Critique of Alberta energy
policy. |
November 05, 2010
May 18, 2010
May 18, 2010
March 20, 2010
 | Letter to Dr. John Holdren,
Director, Office of Science & Technology Policy, Executive Office of the
President |
January 23, 2010
Letters re climate change, wind energy and nuclear power for 2009 |
June 19, 2009
 | CNS "Western Focus Seminar" nuclear and oilsands presentations and papers
posted on "Guest" page |
March 18, 2009
January 5, 2009
Letters re National Climate Change Process, wind power and terra preta in
the oilsands |
 | Nuclear Presentation to Rotary
Club, Lethbridge |
July 1, 2008
 | Reflections
on the National Climate Change Process and Canada's nuclear renaissance |
 | Article published in
"Alberta Oil" on nuclear energy prospects in Alberta's oil sands (oilsands) |
 | Update and
posting of Canadian Nuclear Association 2001 economic analysis for
Canada's Kyoto plans |
June 16, 2008
 | Nuclear presentation to
Probus Lethbridge |
 | Introduction to Three
Mile Island (TMI) public health effects documents |
Letters re TMI mutant monsters and change of public attitude to oil sands
development |
May 12, 2008
January 27, 2008
 | Article published in
"Alberta Oil" on terra preta soil |
Letter re transparency and National Climate Change Process |
Letter re offsets |
December 21, 2007
Letters from May, 2007 re wind, Alberta Royalty Review, Global Nuclear
Energy Partnership, Minister Baird |
 | Input to the Alberta Royalty
Review and the Canadian Academy of Engineering |
 | Modified Computare Services page |
June 18, 2007
 | Revised book length
article from Cosmos Voutsinos on nuclear energy and Alberta tar sands |
 | Article from H. Douglas Lightfoot on his
"Nobody's Fuel" DVD |
 | Reflections on
greenhouse gas mangement and the invention of "terra preta" soil |
May 15, 2007
 | Article from "Alberta
Oil: The Magazine" "Environment 2.0: more energy is less" |
Letters from 2007 re climate change games and politics |
March 02, 2007
 | Contribution from Ernest
Siddall on "Guest" page |
Letters from 2007 re Branson prize, carbon tax and "Kyoto think" |
Letters from 2006 re Minister Ambrose, wood products and advice to
government |
December 16, 2006
 | New "Guest" page. Initial contributors are Dan
Meneley, Cosmos Voutsinos and Paul Geraghty |
Letters re thorium fission fuel, Kyoto Protocol withdrawal and evolution
of the planet |
November 11, 2006
Letter re Kyoto Protocol withdrawal clause |
October 30, 2006
 | Cosmos Voutsinos presentation
and discussion paper: "Making the Most of Alberta's Tar Sands" |
 | Comments on "The
Senators Speak" - Water in the West: Under Pressure |
Letters to editors re Canada's Clean Air Act and Sustainable Development |
October 2, 2006
 | Access to Canada's
climate change plans |
Letters to editors re closure of Canadian climate change websites and
Environment Commissioner audit. |
September 26, 2006
September 23, 2006
 | Submission to
Alberta Government Oil Sands Consultation |
 | Added reference
to Dr. Charles Till article on the Integral Fast Reactor |
September 6, 2006
August 2006
 | Papers
submitted to the Engineering Institute of Canada Climate Change Conference |
 | Letters to Editors
to August |
July 2006
Report on water use for biodiesel production from Canola oil |
June 2006
December 2005
September 2005
March 2005
February 2005
December 2004
October 2004
 | Presentation to Americas Nuclear
Energy Symposium on the carbon cycle, energy and greenhouse gas control |
 | Paper on
the carbon cycle, energy and greenhouse gas control |
 | Letters to editors for
September |
July 2004
 | Calculation of personal greenhouse gas
inventory - Duane and
Bobbie Pendergast |
 | Letters to editors for
July |
June 2004
Summary of a conference on agricultural use of charcoal as fertilizer and
carbon sink |
 | Letters to editors for
and June |
May 2004
 | A
presentation to Cafe Scientifique Lethbridge on Kyoto, energy
production and the carbon cycle |
 | Letters to editors for
April have been added |
April 2004
March 2004
January 2004
 | Letters to editors covering
2003 October to 2003 December 2003, and
January 2004 have been added |
 | Added information on CNS climate change
conferences |
 | Added December 2002 proposed
article for the Globe and Mail urging delay with Kyoto ratification |
 | Added October 2002
letter to Premier Klein on the National Climate Change Process and
responses |
 | Initiated "Computare Commentary" with
notes on a paper evaluating the
climate change role of early agriculture |
 | Initiated "Computare on Greenhouse Gas Emissions" with a
note on personal greenhouse gas emissions |